Here are the Lake Clark fun facts!
Guide to Lake Clark
Lake Clark Fun Facts
fact 1: Lake Clark is the 6th largest lake in Alaska. It is 42 miles long and more than 1,000′ deep.
While this fact may not put many jaws on the floor, it is nonetheless impressive, given that Alaska has nearly 3,200 officially named natural lakes, and more than 3,000,000 unnamed natural lakes.
Lake Clark drains into Six Mile Lake, then into the Newhalen River, from which its water enters Iliamna Lake, which is the second largest lake that is found entirely within the U.S. border. The largest is Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes…. These are big lakes ya’ll…
fact 2: Lake Clark is home to herds of wild Dall sheep, which are the only wild sheep in the world that rock a white coat.
Lake Clark Stat Sheet
established: December 2, 1980 as Lake Clark National Park & Preserve
monument: December 1, 1978 as Lake Clark National Monument
rank of admission: 46
size: 4,030,015 acres
rank in size: 7
annual visitation: 2018 – 14,479
rank in visitation: 60
time zone: Alaska Time
park phone: 907 781 2117
Guide to Lake Clark
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